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Through the Love of the Father, we work to restore dignity, build integrity, instill accountability, and thus transform the lives of poor and displaced individuals and families. Our programs are tailored to foster self-reliance and sustainability by empowering individuals to make positive life choices. Because we are God’s first, we are servants to all.
We believe in “community”; a cohesive society which encourages, supports, and provides opportunity for each member to realize the highest and best use of their God given talents. Each individual is uniquely created by God with talent and dignity; and every individual, especially the poor, marginalized, elderly, and homeless, are entitled to receive support which will allow them to flourish. In the process, we believe this creates true growth individually and for the community as a whole. It is our fundamental belief that every person is made to both give and receive.
My Father's House seeks to provide effective programs that allow for lasting resettlement for displaced individuals who have multiple and complex needs. The mission is to break the cycle of repeat homelessness by strengthening the individual’s internal mechanisms related to positive life choices, and by building partnerships and deep foundations before building bridges to sustainable independence. Through compassionate, intensive training, our goal is to reintroduce capable, confident, and well adjusted members into society.
"It is through free creative, participatory and mutually supportive labor that human beings express and enhance the dignity of their lives." Pope Francis
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